Body Psychotherapy


Are you questioning who you are?

Do you live up to the expectations of parents, peers, teachers, the boss, your culture, religion, society … others in general – instead of acting in accordance with your own needs?

Would you like the pace of life to slow down?

“Who am I?” is the age-old question at the core of any identity crisis. Infants find out who they are by establishing a relationship to their physical world and absorb the value system of their primary caregivers and family members. Children open their world to the value systems of teachers, peers, school and society. As they prepare to step out into the world as independent individuals, young adults in particular are in the process of unraveling the varied impressions they have been exposed to in order to determine who they really are. This is a confusing time – after all, there are so many options to explore! We usually found the best possible solutions for unsolvable situations in our early childhood. We developed an ideal self-image and present it when interacting with others, but in the present we may need to look at this self-image and revise our solutions in order to ensure that they are in contact with life as it is now unfolding.

Body psychotherapy @GlowPraxisBerlin supports young adults and people of any age along the quest for their authentic identity. To find out who we are, we look at our beliefs, values and behavior patterns, realize that we have adopted many of them to protect us against stress, conflicts and hurt feelings when confronted with the expectations of parents, teachers, peers, etc., and find out what goals, values and beliefs truly represent us by trying out the options.


The body psychotherapist acts as a sounding board, and provides structure along the search for long-buried enthusiasm and vibrancy – exactly the feelings we need when we minimize the importance of the expectations of other and instead focus on living our authentic identity. Once we know who we are, we can control the pace of life by making choices that serve the goals we have committed to instead of reflexively responding to the demands of others.

Appointments are available

Book a 60-minute biodynamic body psychotherapy session in Berlin near S + U Frankfurter Allee. Biodynamic psychotherapy is available in GlowPraxisBerlin, an oasis of calm in the big city, on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 pm and Friday from 10 am – 8 pm – ask about alternative times.

Follow-up psychotherapy appointments also available via Zoom, but of course without massage!